Superfeast Medicinal Mushrooms


Nature provides our greatest feast and I have been in love with medicinal mushrooms since 2016, consuming them on a daily basis. I feel honored to be sponsored by Australia’s number one supplier, Superfeast. I’m thankful for their commitment to living as clean as possible and ensuring that their herbs are of premium quality, potency and pureness.


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Leah’s favourites

Medicinal mushrooms are lauded for their capacity to bring the human body back into a state of equilibrium - or ‘homeostasis’ - and strengthen immune and hormonal functions. In the wild they are usually found growing on trees. Medicinal mushrooms burst with polysaccharides, triterpenes, antioxidants and other health-supporting compounds. Ancient herbal systems have long worked with medicinal, or ‘functional’ mushrooms and modern research is now uncovering the outstanding health benefits of these potent mushrooms.

Lion’s Mane

Lion's Mane is a wonder mushroom whose extract powder has been used for thousands of years by traditional herbalists to support the brain and nervous system, improve cognitive function and boost digestive health.


No hike up the mountain is done without this shroom. Discovered in the high altitude of the Himalayas believe it or not, the range of benefits include; increased blood oxygenation, improved core energy, cellular performance, endurance and reduced recovery time.


Regarded by ancient herbalists as the ‘mushroom of immortality’, modern herbalists love reishi for its powerful adaptogenic qualities. Reishi is used to support the immune system, relieve stress, strengthen the spirit, calm the mind and promote peaceful sleep.

Superfeast Beauty Blend

A super-blend of beautifying herbs that nourish the body from the inside-out. Inspired by ancient Taoist herb-wisdom, the Beauty Blend brings vitality to skin, hair, nails and fascia

Note: As an affiliate of Superfeast, Leah receives a small commission on every sale via the link on her website.